2020 Ladies Captain’s Report
This has certainly been an interesting season as we do our best to journey through COVID-19.
Our Tuesday Ladies League were the first groups off the tee on Tuesday, May 19th which was the opening date for our golf Club due to C19 closures. Distancing, controlling gathering points, and avoiding multiple touch led us to waive the annual fee for 2020 for both the Ladies League and the Twilight Ladies League. Many of the usual events and competitions were suspended to ensure we followed the club’s C19 protocols, but as the season went on, we held as many events as we could to provide a balance of “near-normal” events in a way that kept us all safe.
The Opening Scramble and Patio Lunch was held on Tuesday June 23rdwith 34 enthusiastic participants. This was the first day we were able enjoy the Patio as a group. Even with C19 protocols, it gave us a wonderful sense of our comradery.
Field Day and Patio Lunch was held on Tuesday, July 21st with 31 participants. Although the C19 protocols reduced the usual games and competitions on the course, we all enjoyed ourselves playing 3 clubs and a putter.
The Club Championships were held on 2 consecutive Tuesdays, August 11th & 18th with 20 participants. This week day event was a trial for 2020 to experience a week day event versus a weekend event. Further discussion on scheduling for 2021 championships will be initiated next season.
Ladies Club Championship results for 18 holes:
A Flight – Fran Tymchyshen
B Flight – Franki Robinson
C Flight – Sue Lavigne
Low Net – Fran Tymchyshen
Ladies Club Championship results for 9 holes:
A Flight – Roberta Cathcart
B Flight – Denise Trainor
Low Net – Teresa Kane
Our Closing Scramble and patio Lunch was held on Tuesday, September 15th with 29 participants.
Since the Closing Banquet and Awards night could not be held this year, the Awards were presented at the Closing Scramble. This included trophies and proshop chits for winners and runners up in the Championship as well as:
Celebrating a First Time to Break 100 – Cathy Densmore
The Most Improved Golfer – Gail Moore.
The Birdie 70 Plus Trophy – Diane Harvey. This trophy is sponsored by Judy Nasby with the objective of encouraging players 70 years old and over to continue to play golf. This is a season long event and uses weekly Tuesday Net Scores to accumulate positional points. Using Net Scores provides a level playing field so everyone who participates has an equal chance to win.